
I have been researching my family tree since my paternal grandfather died in 1976. Whilst researching my mother's ancestry I started recording every instance of her maternal grandmother's name FARMERY and so my one-name study was born! I now record every instance of the name I find all over the world, and my database currently contains over 51,600 name events. I am constructing family trees for each family group and try to put distant cousins in touch!

My study covers the FARMERY surname and known variants such as FARMEARY, FARMEREY, FARMARY and FARMERIE, as well as instances of the name being used as a forename rather than surname.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

2009 Farmery Gathering

This years Farmery gathering will be held at Bracebridge Heath, near Lincoln, on Saturday September 26th from 10.00am to 4.30pm.

Tom Doig, a well renowned family history speaker, will talk in the morning on "Dating Old Photographs" and attendees are encouraged to bring along original old photos to be dated.

[This is my great grandmother Jane FARMERY 1863-1946].

In the afternoon Sue Clayton, a former university Local History lecturer who runs a museum and community shop as a volunteer and is an Acting Development Officer for the Lottery Heritage Fund, will speak on "Church Courts".

I will have the Custodian Farmery database at the gathering along with other Farmery records and indexes that I have, including photocopies of every Farmery household schedule from the 1911 census. There will be an update on the FARMERY DNA research project and once again there will be plenty of time for informal discussion between those present with mutual interests. There will be plenty of table space available to anyone wishing to bring their own research material and notes to display.

On the Saturday evening anyone staying in Lincoln overnight is welcome to meet up for dinner and a visit is planned for the Sunday morning for anyone wanting to make a weekend of their visit to Lincoln. For further details of the gathering please email farmery@one-name.org

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